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AMHCA - American Mental Health Counselors Association

New England Mental Health Counselors Associations

CMHCA - Connecticut Mental Health Counselors Association

MEMHCA  - Maine Mental Health Counselors Association

MaMHCA - Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association

RIMHCA-  Rhode Island Mental Health Counselors Association

VTMHCA - Vermont Mental Health Counselors Association 

Other State Mental Health Counselors Associations

ARMHCA - Arkansas 

DCMHCA - District of Columbia

FMHCA - Florida

LPCAGA - Georgia

IMHCA - Idaho

IMHCA - Illinois

ICA - Indiana

IMHCA - Iowa

LCA - Louisiana 

LCPCM - Maryland

MMHCA - Michigan

MLPCA - Mississippi

MMHCA - Missouri

MLCPCA - Montana

NJCA - New Jersey

NMMHCA - New Mexico

NYMHCA - New York

LPCANC - North Carolina 

NDMHCA - North Dakota

OMHCA - Ohio

OKMHCA - Oklahoma

PAMHCA - Pennsylvania

SCALPC - South Carolina

SDMHCA - South Dakota

TMHCA - Tennessee

TMHCA - Texas

UMHCA - Utah

VACC - Virginia

WMHCA - Washington

WVLPCA - West Virginia

Licensure and Accreditation

AASCB - American Association of State Counseling Boards

New Hampshire Board of Mental Health Practice 

Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure

Massachusetts Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professionals 

CACREP - The Council for Acreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs

NBCC - National Board for Certified Counselors

Information on Certification

 CCE -About the Center for Credentialing and Education

CCMHC - Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor

NCC - National Certified Counselor

NCSC - National Certified School Counselor

MAC - Master Addiction Counselor  

ACS - Approved Clinical Supervisor 

DCC- Distance Credentialed Counselor

BC-TMHP Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider

BCC - Board Certified Coach

GCDF - Global Career Development Facilitator

HS-BCP - Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner

International Professional Associations

IAMFC -  International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors

IAAOC  -  International Association of Addiction and Offender Counselors

National Professional Associations

AAMFT - American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

AAPC - American Association of Pastoral Counselors

AATA - American Art Therapy Association

ACA - American Counseling Association

ACCA - American College Counseling Association

AFTA - American Family Therapy Academy

AGLBIC - Association for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues

AMCD - Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development

AMCHA - American Mental Health Counselors Association

AMTA - American Music Therapy Association

APA - American Psychiatric Association

APA - American Psychological Association

APT - Association for Play Therapy

ASCA - American School Counselor Association

ASERVIC - Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling

ASGW - Association for Specialists in Group Work

NAADC - National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors

NASP - National Association of School Psychologists

NASW - National Association of Social Workers

NBCC - National Board for Certified Counselors and Associates

NCDA - National Career Development Association

NECA - National Employment Counseling Association

The New Hampshire Mental Health Counselors Association (NHMHCA) is a state chapter of the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)

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