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Treasurer Roles and Responsibilities

Treasurer responsibilities according to the Bylaws:

The Treasurer shall serve on the Board of Directors and have custody of all funds and property belonging to the Association. The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of the Association up to date and present a report upon request and at least by-monthly to the President. The Treasurer will prepare a full financial report for the annual meeting of the Association.

Treasurer Role:

The Treasurer manages the fiscal tasks of the association and reports this financial status to the board. They are full voting members of the board. The Treasurer is elected by the membership for a 2 year term, beginning July 1st. Term limit is 2 consecutive terms.


The Treasurer is the custodian of all funds and property of the chapter. S/he is responsible for monitoring and documenting the fiscal activity of the Association and making recommendations regarding financial issues impacting the strategic plan. She/he reports to the Board at each meeting and provides a verbal and written report to the membership at the annual meeting.


  • Immediately upon taking over the office, file new signature cards and change of address forms for all accounts with the bank (the change of address forms are due to bank statements being mailed to the Treasurer’s home rather than to the PO Box). Currently, we have two accounts with Citizens Bank. The branch that is most familiar with our business is the North Elm branch in Manchester, NH.
  • Whenever there is a change in the person holding the office of President, file new signature cards with the bank.
  • Beginning in 2000 and once every five years thereafter, file a “return” with the State of NH. Department of State to continue non-profit status.
  • Should gross receipts exceed $25,000 in a fiscal year, file form 990 or 990EZ with the Internal Revenue Services.
  • File change of address forms with the Internal Revenue Service and the State of NH, Department of State as needed (this is based on our PO Box).
  • Obtain passwords for all treasurer email accounts (, and QuickBooks. Change them immediately. Make sure there is at least one other officer who knows this information.
  • Obtain the software and data files for QuickBooks, install into your computer.
  • Receive and pay all invoices signed off on by the chair of the appropriate area.
  • Receive and deposit all income processed through the appropriate chair.
  • Balance the checkbook monthly, printing a full reconciliation report
  • Provide all invoices, bank statements, and reconciliation reports to the accountant once annually for review.
  • Lead the process for creating the annual budget, creating a budget time-line for chairs to utilize in giving their input for the creation of the budget. 
  • Send a reminder email to all Board members one month prior to when their numbers for the budget need to be with you, usually February 1st.
  • Receive numbers from all appropriate Board members (March 1st). Combine them into one draft budget. Provide this information to the Executive Committee. Work within the Executive Committee (April Board meeting) to attain a balanced budget or a budget that is for good reason a deficit budget that utilizes the organization's reserves. Document the reason. 

Professional Development Chair Roles & Responsibilities

Professional Development responsibilities according to the NHMHCA Bylaws: 

The Professional Development Committee is responsible for developing, presenting and organizing programs which provide continuing education units for Clinical Mental Health Counselors. 

Professional Development Role:

The Role of the Professional Development Chair is to oversee continuing education provided by NHMHCA for members and other counselors in the field. 

Upon becoming the Professional Development Chair:

  • Obtain the password(s) for Professional Development email(s) from the previous chair and change the password(s). (If there is no previous chair get them from the Administrative Assistant)
  • Obtain the password for the NHMHCA Zoom account and become familiar with using Zoom for workshops. 
  • Work with Media Technology Chair and Membership Chair to update the following:
  • Permissions on Club Express
  • Contact page on Club Express
  • Change Member Type to Board Member if needed
  • Update Membership Information 
  • Update Find a Counselor Information 
  • Provide a photo and information for the Leadership page
  • Watch Event videos on Club Express to learn how to set up events, registrations and emails. Ask the Administrative Assistant for help as needed. 
  • Become familiar with rules for NBCC rules for providing Continuing Education units.

Professional Development Chair Responsibilities:

  • Work with the Administrative Assistant to update and maintain a Speakers Database.
  • Plan out calendar of Professional Development Events, with board approval, including an Ethics workshop and a Suicide workshop.
  • Work with Membership Chair to find ways to connect with members to determine professional development needs.
  • Work with Administrative Assistant to find appropriate venues for in-person events and get these approved by the board.
  • Work with Administrative Assistant to arrange speakers, get board approval, complete speaker contracts, and provide handouts for workshops.
  • Work with Administrative Assistant to inform and market upcoming professional development events.
  • Work with Administrative Assistant to set up online registration, objectives, and survey.
  • Set up Zoom links and make sure they are sent out to registrants in a timely manner. 
  • Connect with speakers as needed and provide information, support and resources.
  • Host Professional Development events both in person and online. (If you are unable to do this for a specific workshop, find a board member to fill in for you and train them as necessary). 
  • Find others as needed to help with check-in and registration.
  • At the event, make sure the speaker has what they need, help with registration as needed, track attendees, work with the venue to provide an enjoyable experience as needed, oversee distribution of any handouts, work with Administrative Assistant to send out surveys and CEs after the event, and troubleshoot any issues that come up.

The Legislative Chair Roles and Responsibilities

Legislative Responsibilities according to the NHMHCA Bylaws: 

The Legislative Committee studies legislation affecting Clinical Mental Health Counselors, recommends procedures for action which may influence the direction of local and state legislators in the field of mental health, and apprises AMHCA's national office about local legislation efforts and problems. The Legislative Committee responds to both state and national legislation needs. 

The Role of the Legislative Chair:

The role of the Legislative Chair is to become the board expert on current state and national legislation, and to be the point person for collaboration on legislative issues with the other mental health guilds in the state and with AMHCA.

Upon becoming the Legislative Chair:

  • Obtain the password(s) for Legislative email(s) from the previous chair and change the password(s). (If there is no previous chair get them from the Administrative Assistant)
  • Work with Media Technology Chair and Membership Chair to update the following:
  • Permissions on Club Express
  • Contact page on Club Express
  • Change Member Type to Board Member if needed
  • Update Membership Information 
  • Update Find a Counselor Information 
  • Provide a photo and information for Leadership page
  • Watch Website and Email videos on Club Express to learn to post action items and to be able to email action items to members if needed.

Responsibilities of the Legislative Chair:

  • Coordinate with Administrative Assistant in sending out action items.
  • Become familiar with the state and national legislative process.
  • Attend Mental Health Coalition meetings monthly
  • Attend Clinicians United meetings monthly
  • Attend legislative public hearings as needed.
  • Report to board on legislative issues
  • Write up brief legislative updates for newsletter during active legislative season (December - May)

Media Technology & Public Relations Chair Roles & Responsibilities

Media Technology & Public Relations Responsibilities according to Bylaws: 

The Media Technology and Public Relations Committee is responsible for providing the media, the public, and Association members with information about issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and activities of the NHMHCA. In addition this committee is responsible for the publication of a bi-annual newsletter, sending e-blasts, and updating the website. 

Media Technology & Public Relations Chair Role:

The role of the Media Technology & Public Relations Chair is to oversee the website including content, layout and design of the website. The Chair is also responsible for overseeing other ways of providing information about the NHMHCA to the media and the public as determined by the Board, and provide support to the Board members and NHMHCA members to navigate the website.

Upon becoming the Media Technology & Public Relations Chair:

  • Obtain the password(s) for Media Technology & Public Relations email(s) from the previous chair and change the password(s).
  • Obtain all website and social media specific information and store these in a secure location. 
  • Work with previous Chair to update the following: 
  • Permissions on Club Express
  • Contact page on Club Express
  • Change Member Type to Board Member if needed
  • Update individual Membership Information 
  • Update individual Find a Counselor Information 
  • Provide a photo for the Leadership page and check that information is correct.
  • Become familiar with all aspects of the website. Watch Website videos on Club Express. Ask the Administrative Assistant for help as needed. 

Media Technology & Public Relations Chair Responsibilities:

  • Update the website design and layout as needed.
  • Update Social Media layout and design as needed.
  • Oversee content on the website and Social Media and work with Administrative Assistant to post new content.
  • Work with Administrative Assistant to coordinate emails to members. 
  • Work with other Chairs to produce The Collaborator newsletter to members no less than twice a year according to the Bylaws. 
  • Oversee any press releases and other 
  • Work on developing a membership committee to help carry out membership tasks.
  • Attend NHMHCA Board meetings monthly and provide reports to the Board on any activities related to public outreach and the website. 

Mentoring Chair Roles and Responsibilities

Mission of Mentoring Chair from Bylaws:

The mission of the Mentoring Program is to bring students, pre-licensed professionals and licensed professionals together to create a community that supports the growth of our field. 

Role of the Mentoring Chair:

The Role of the Mentoring Chair is to encourage and oversee mentoring connections among members at various stages of their career, within the association for the advancement of the guild, as well as to provide counselors with development and networking opportunities. The goal of these connections is professional growth, support, and resources amongst other peers and colleagues within the profession. 

Upon becoming the Mentoring Chair:

  • Obtain and change password(s) for email(s) from previous chair
  • Work with Media Technology Chair and Membership Chair to update the following:
  • Permissions on Club Express
  • Contact page on Club Express
  • Change Member Type to Board Member if needed
  • Update individual Membership Information 
  • Update Find a individual Counselor Information 
  • Provide a photo and information for Leadership page.
  • Get access to the following databases from previous Mentoring Chair: 
  • College Contact
  • Previous Meet & Greets
  • Mentor and Mentee Connection

The Mentoring Chair is responsible for the following: 

  • Attending NHMHCA Board meetings and reporting on mentoring activities.
  • Creating, updating, and maintaining a list of graduate school contacts to facilitate outreach, presentations and support to students on the Clinical Mental Health Counseling track.
  • Working with students, pre-licensure counselors, licensed counselors, and retired counselors to determine their needs for support and resources.
  • Maintain a database of peer-to-peer counselor mentoring for both individual and group mentoring activities.
  • Evaluating and expanding support and resources for counselors at various stages of pre-practice and practice across the profession.
  • Developing presentations and outreach materials for both pre-practice and practicing counselors.
  • Reaching out and providing presentations to clinicians in transition in various settings. 

Members at Large Roles and Responsibilities

Members at Large Responsibilities according to Bylaws:

They shall attend all Board meetings with full voting rights. The Member at Large position is meant to offer support and assist task forces and standing committees, duties implementing the board’s strategic plan, and to perform such duties as may be directed by the Board. A member may only hold this position for one term.

Members at Large Role:

The role of the Members at Large is to explore positions on the Board and provide support and assistance to the various Board Chairs and committees as needed. 

Upon becoming a Member at Large:

  • Review the NHMHCA Bylaws.
  • Review the AMHCA Code of Ethics
  • Work with previous Media Technology Chair (and/or Administrative Assistant) to update the following: 
  • Permissions on Club Express
  • Contact page on Club Express
  • Change Member Type to Board Member if needed
  • Update individual Membership Information 
  • Update individual Find a Counselor Information 
  • Provide a photo for the Leadership page and make sure information is correct.

Member at Large Responsibilities:

  • Attend monthly Board meetings.
  • Report on any tasks or activities they have participated in.
The New Hampshire Mental Health Counselors Association (NHMHCA) is a state chapter of the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)

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